It's the writers' support group you didn't know you needed!

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Unlimited Writers' Courses

Downloadable Writing Resources

Real-Time Feedback & Support

Discounted MTW events

The Write to Win Writers' Community is a powerful platform designed to help its members strengthen their writing skills while supporting their exposure and branding efforts. Beginning Nov. 1, Meet the World Image Solutions will draw from its most valuable programs to present you with the best of its literary and publicity services.


Become a founding member by Nov. 5 and receive even more exclusive benefits, including 50% off your first two months of membership. Just use Discount Code: COMMUNITY
Are you ready to take your writing and exposure to the next level without inconvenient workshops and social media confusion? Join the community and let's rise together!
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Introducing your coach!

Dr. Rhonda M. Lawson is the founder of Meet the World Image Solutions, a boutique public relations firm, and an award-winning 24-time published author. She is also the co-host of Black Authors Matter TV and host of Horizons With Meet the World Image Solutions, both of which highlight and promote authors, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. Dr. Rhonda is dedicated to helping authors and small business owners expand their platforms while strengthening their written communication.

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