Louisiana Zetas Elect New State Director

Nov 08, 2023

Louisiana Zetas Elect New State Director

 NEW IBERIA, LA—Louisiana educator Carmelita B. Roberts became the 18th Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated Louisiana State Director in a historic election, succeeding Renee Bourgieous, of Baton Rouge.


“I am humbled to serve the Zeta sisterhood as State Director, and will always be grateful the delegation decided to put me to the test,” Roberts said. "I look forward to furthering our community partnerships and helping Zeta continue our community outreach through ur Zetas Helping Other People Excel programming."


Roberts is currently a kindergarten teacher at St. Charles Street Elementary School in New Iberia, with 30 years of experience in Early Childhood Education with Iberia Parish School District. A member of Zeta Phi Beta for more than 30 years, Roberts has served the sorority in various local, state and regional capacities. Most recently, she served as the Southern Region's Protocol Director, and is the immediate past president of Upsilon Upsilon Zeta Chapter Basileus in Loreauville, LA. She served as the chapter's president for 10 years.


The election was a first for Louisiana, coming after the members voted to change their Constitution and Bylaws during their July 2022 National Convention in Philadelphia, allowing the members to elect their state directors. The historic change makes Roberts the first member to be elected to the position in the state of Louisiana, which is part of Zeta's Southern Region. In the past, state directors were appointed by the organization's International President.


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated was founded Jan. 16, 1920 on the campus of Howard Univerity in Washington, D.C. The sorority now has 125,000 members across the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The organization recently elected Dr. Stacie

N.C. Grant as the 26th International President and CEO. The Southern Region, which also includes East and West Texas, is led by Rhetta W. McCoy, of Dallas, TX.


For more information on Zeta Phi Beta, visit www.zphib1920.org.

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